Monday, April 12, 2010

writing reflection

Ideas and Content
My writing is very detailed in some parts and usually makes a lot of sense. I my julius caesar essay I focused on my topic that was brutus throughout the entire essay , I wrote most of the conflicts brutus had throughout the book and what he did to overcome this problems , this made me understand the character a little bit more and it helped me for the further understanding of the topic. I added quotes and important paragraphs to explain my thinking.
the organization in my julius caesar essay was good ,I had an introduction that explained the conflict in the book , and I added quotes too to explain my character better.I think I could have worked better on my thesis statement that was on my introduction and it was hard for the reader to identify it. There were times were I did not explain my quotes leaving the reader with the not knowing what the quote was about . I think that overall my main Idea of the conflict was good and also my paragraphs were clear they related to my characters main conflict in the book . I think that my organization could have improve by making my thesis statement clearer .
Personal Growth
I think not because it was harder for me to understand the english of the book and sometimes I didn't know what the characters of the book were really talking about . In the alchemist it was easier for me to understand the context of the book and the main Idea. overall my alchemist essay was better than my julius caesar essay
SLR Reflection
I chose “Reason Critically” for my SLR because I spend most of my time in search for the ideas and content section of the essay. Part of my search was to look for good quotations that fit with my argument and help support it.