Sunday, November 29, 2009

who would I be in the school of athens?

In this drawing I would be Plato.Plato is one of the most important Greek philosophers. He founded the Academy in Athens, an institution devoted to research and instruction in philosophy and the sciences. His works on philosophy, politics and mathematics were very influencial and laid the foundations for Euclid's systematic approach to mathematics. choose this person because is a very spiritual person also because he helped civilization push foward with great discoveries

how can art be a mirror of society?

Painting can be a mirror of society in many ways. In the middle ages we could see that the church had the power therefore the paintings where all religious this showed how people was being controlled by religion. By the Time of the renaissance the church began to lose power and people became more humanist , paintings where about studies this shows how people in the time of the renaissance was more interested in studies . Drawings capture a certain place or moment and that place is like a photo that would tell what was happening in that moment.